Men and Counselling.
Many men believe that counselling is not for them. Rather than seeking help, many men prefer to struggle on alone, repeating past mistakes and meeting familiar problems. Therapy can help men make sense of their
pasts so that they can make the most of their futures. There are two qualities that define most men: They seldom like to ask for help, and they do not like to talk about our feelings. Combining the two asking for help about their feelings is the ultimate affront to many men’s masculinity.
Men generally like to think of themselves as strong, problem-solver types. But when it comes to emotional and mental issues, men need to quit trying to bottle up their feelings and tough it out, ‘your mental health is equally as important as your physical health’ (Dr. Darshan Mehta, Medical Director of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital). Not addressing negative feeling ‘can carry over to all aspects of your life and have a profound impact’ (ibid). Therapy can help you establish goals of care and then outline a strategy to meet them. This may include a combination of therapy during regular sessions as well as “homework” to follow in between visits. Weekly visits are typical. Yours may be more or less frequent than that depending on how you respond to the therapy. After your initial treatment sessions, you might return periodically for “booster” visits to prevent a future relapse.